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श्री गणेशाय नमः - shri gneshae namah:-

।। श्री गणेशाय नमः ।।
सुखकर्ता दुखहर्ता वार्ता विघ्नाची |
नुरवी पूर्वी प्रेम कृपा जयाची |
सर्वांगी सुंदर उटी शेंदुराची |
कंठी झळके माळ मुक्ताफळाची || १ ||
जय देव जय देव जय मंगलमूर्ती |
दर्शनमात्रे मनकामना पुरती ||
रत्नखचित फरा तूज गौरीकुमरा |
चंदनाची उटी कुंकुमकेशरा |
हिरे जडित मुकुट शोभतो बरा |
रुणझुणती नुपुरे चरणी घागरिया || 2 ||
लंबोदर पितांबर फनी वरवंदना |
सरळ सोंड वक्रतुंड त्रिनयना |
दास रामाचा वाट पाहे सदना |
संकटी पावावे निर्वाणी रक्षावे सुरवंदना |
जय देव जय देव जय मंगलमूर्ती |
दर्शनमात्रे मनकामना पुरती || ३ ||

।। श्री गणेशाय नमः ।।

Sukhkarta Dukhharta Varta Vighnachi ||
Oh Lord who provides Joy, takes away Sadness and removes all “vighnas” (obstacles) in life

Nurvi Purvi Prem Krupa Jayachi ||
Who spreads love everywhere as his blessing

Sarvangi Sundar Uti Shendurachi ||
Who has lovely “shendur utna”(yellow-orange fragrance paste) all over his body

Kanti Jhalke Mal Mukataphalaanchi..||
Who has a necklace of “Mukataphal”(pearls in Sanskrit) around his neck

Jaidev Jaidev Jai Mangal Murti ||
Hail the god, Hail the god, Hail the auspicious idol

Darshan Maatre Man: Kaamna Phurti ||
all our wishes are fulfilled just by “darshan” (looking at the idol)

Ratnakhachit Phara Tujh Gaurikumra ||
Offering you Seat studded with Ratna(jewels) for you “Gaurikumra” (son of Gauri)

Chandanaachi Uti Kumkumkeshara ||
Smearing you with Chandan(Sandalwood) utna(paste) and Kumkum(Red Tilak) on the head

Hirejadit Mukut Shobhato Bara ||
Diamond studded crown suites you right

Runjhunati Nupure(2) Charani Ghagriya ||
Whose anklets tingle in his feet

Jaidev Jaidev Jai Mangal Murti ||
Hail the god, Hail the god, Hail the auspicious idol

Lambodar Pitaambar Phanivarvandana ||
Lambodar Who wears Pitaambar(yellow cloth worn by men during puja)
“Lambodar” – from the long – ‘lambo’, tummy – ‘udar’

Saral Sond Vakratunda Trinayana ||
Who has Straight trunk and is Vakratunda and Trinayana
“Vakratunda”one who breaks the ego of he who behaves anti-socially (‘Vakra’).
“Trinayana” the son of the 3 eyed (Lord Shiva)

Das Ramacha Vat Pahe Sadana ||
I am waiting for you in my “Sadana” (home) just like the slave(used as devotee) of Lord Rama

Sankati Pavave Nirvani Rakshave Survarvandana ||
Please help us and protect us during bad times, my Salutations to lord

Jaidev Jaidev Jai Mangal Murti ||
Hail the god, Hail the god, Hail the auspicious idol

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