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Amur virus

Amur virus (AMRV) is a zoonotic negative sense single-stranded RNA virus of the genus Hantavirus. It has been identified as a causative agent of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.


The complete genome sequence Amur virus has been isolated from a sample obtained in the Apodemus peninsulae in Northeastern China. AMRV strains from China and Far East and Soochong virus (SOOV) (especially SOO-1/2 strains from Northeastern Korea) were found to share high identities of nucleotide sequences and were monophyletic distinct from Apodemus agrarius HTNV. Two genetic sublineages of SOOV exist, but findings suggest that AMRV and SOOV are different strains of the same hantavirus.


The virus is reported to be carried by Korean field mice (Apodemus peninsulae) in the Far East of Russia, China, and Korea.

source - Wikipedia
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