The Black Palm Cockatoo - pet bird
An endangered, but loving friend
The Black Palm Cockatoo is considered to be the most beautiful of the Cockatoos.
However, the Palm Cockatoo is endangered in the wild and is mostly kept for breeding purposes. While the Palm Cockatoo is known for being loving and affectionate, just like any Cockatoo, they are also very needy. If you own a Cockatoo, then you know why they are called the “love sponges” of the parrots. And you also know that they are the most needy of all the pet birds and often love their owners too much.
These birds make great pets, but ONLY if you are an extremely experienced bird owner. This is VERY important. Cockatoos require a lot of time and attention–much more than any other pet bird. If you are able to spend at least two full hours a day with your bird (out of his cage), not leave the house for 6 or more hours everyday, cook for your bird and provide him with a variety of healthy foods, handle the loud screaming, afford the large cage and huge amount of toys, and deal with the adjustment stage that can include aggression, then rescuing a Cockatoo might be a great idea. Make sure you research as much as possible because you don’t want to add to the already out-of-hand rescue problem.
Because so many Cockatoos are left to rescues, I highly encourage you to visit your local parrot rescue, see what I’m talking about, and consider rescuing one of these poor magestic creatures instead of buying one in a store. If you can handle all this, then this really might be the right bird for you. But keep in mind that Black Palm Cockatoos in particular are very hard to find. They can cost upwards of $16,000 because of their rarity and endangered status. So, don’t get your hopes up if you have your mind set on this species.
Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), Black Palm Cockatoo, Goliath Cockatoo
New Guinea and Queensland, Australia
22-24 in., 900-1,000 grams
Color Differences
The Palm Cockatoo is primarily black and dark gray with a red cheek patch that changes color when he is excited or alarmed. The Palm Cockatoo also has a very large crest and one of the largest bills of all parrots.
40-90 years
Very loud–Most Cockatoos scream if they are not getting the attention they want.
Living Arrangements
Because they can be very loud, they are best suited for living in a house.
Beautiful, loving, affectionate, rare in the wild, love to be handled, cuddly, needy, noisy, destructive, requires a lot of time and attention, prone to behavior problems.
Good–Cockatoos can learn to talk, but most only learn a few words or phrases. You can train them, but they would most likely prefer to just cuddle with you.
Interaction/Time Requirements
Very high–They love their owners and want attention 24/7. You need to be prepared to spend at least 2 hours a day with a Cockatoo to give him the time and attention he needs.
They need an x-large parrot diet.
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