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Oonopidae is a family of spiders commonly known as goblin spiders, consisting of over 1,600 described species in about 113 genera worldwide, with total species diversity estimated at 2000 to 2500 species. The type genus of the family is Oonops Keyserling, 1835.

Goblin spiders are generally tiny, measuring about 1 to 3 millimeters. Some have scuta, hardened plates on their abdomens. Oonopids usually have six eyes, the anterior median eyes having been lost. However, four-eyed (Opopaea viamao), two-eyed (e.g. Coxapopha, Diblemma) and even completely eyeless species (e.g. Cousinea, the cave-dwelling Blanioonops) are also known. The family is permeated with unusual morphological traits, many of which are limited to males. Examples include heavily modified mouthparts (e.g. Coxapopha, Xyccarph), sternal pouches (sometimes alternatively called holsters; e.g. Grymeus) and extensions of the carapace (e.g. Ferchestina, Unicorn). The male pedipalps are also often highly modified. The genus Opopaea, for example, exhibits an expanded palpal patella while male Ischnothyreus are characterized by completely sclerotized, pitch-black pedipalps. Members of the genus Orchestina are believed to be able to jump, as both sexes have greatly enlarged femora on the fourth leg pair.

Oonopidae are seldom seen by people as they are too small to be easily noticed. They are generally found in the leaf litter layer and under rocks, but they also constitute a significant component of the spider fauna living in the canopy of tropical rainforests. Three blind Afrotropical genera (Anophthalmoonops, Caecoonops, Termitoonops) are exclusively found in termite nests. A few species, such as the pantropical Heteroonops spinimanus and Triaeris stenaspis, are thought to be parthenogenetic as no males have yet been collected.

Fossil record

Oonopidae are frequently encountered as subfossils preserved in copals and as fossils preserved in amber. Oonopids even occur in more amber deposits than any other spider family, which may be accounted for by their widespread distribution, small size, and wandering behaviour, as amber appears to be biased towards trapping such spiders. In contrast, sedimentary fossils of Oonopidae are unknown.

Most fossil oonopids described from amber are assigned to the extant genus Orchestina. This genus was already widespread by the end of the Cretaceous, as indicated by specimens found in amber dating back approximately 100 million years. This makes Orchestina the oldest extant spider genus along with the Archaeidae. Orchestina's fossil record even includes a pair of spiders that were entombed during copulation.


As of November 2015, the World Spider Catalog accepted the following genera:

Anophthalmoonops Benoit, 1976
Antoonops Fannes & Jocqué, 2008
Aposphragisma Thoma, 2014
Aprusia Simon, 1893
Aschnaoonops Makhan & Ezzatpanah, 2011
Australoonops Hewitt, 1915
Bannana Tong & Li, 2015
Bidysderina Platnick et al., 2013
Bipoonops Bolzern, 2014
Birabenella Grismado, 2010
Blanioonops Simon & Fage, 1922
Brignolia Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1983
Caecoonops Benoit, 1964
Camptoscaphiella Caporiacco, 1934
Cavisternum Baehr, Harvey & Smith, 2010
Cortestina Knoflach, 2009
Costarina Platnick & Dupérré, 2011
Cousinea Saaristo, 2001
Coxapopha Platnick, 2000
Dalmasula Platnick, Szüts & Ubick, 2012
Diblemma O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1908
Dysderina Simon, 1891
Dysderoides Fage, 1946
Emboonops Bolzern, Platnick & Berniker, 2015
Escaphiella Platnick & Dupérré, 2009
Farqua Saaristo, 2001
Gamasomorpha Karsch, 1881
Gradunguloonops Grismado et al., 2015
Grymeus Harvey, 1987
Guaraguaoonops Brescovit, Rheims & Bonaldo, 2012
Guatemoonops Bolzern, Platnick & Berniker, 2015
Heteroonops Dalmas, 1916
Hexapopha Platnick, Berniker & Víquez, 2014
Himalayana Grismado, 2014
Hortoonops Platnick & Dupérré, 2012
Hypnoonops Benoit, 1977
Hytanis Simon, 1893
Ischnothyreus Simon, 1893
Kapitia Forster, 1956
Khamiscar Platnick & Berniker, 2015
Khamisia Saaristo & van Harten, 2006
Khamisina Platnick & Berniker, 2015
Khamisoides Platnick & Berniker, 2015
Kijabe Berland, 1914
Lionneta Benoit, 1979
Longoonops Platnick & Dupérré, 2010
Lucetia Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1983
Malagiella Ubick & Griswold, 2011
Megabulbus Saaristo, 2007
Megaoonops Saaristo, 2007
Melchisedec Fannes, 2010
Molotra Ubick & Griswold, 2011
Neotrops Grismado & Ramírez, 2013
Neoxyphinus Birabén, 1953
Nephrochirus Simon, 1910
Niarchos Platnick & Dupérré, 2010
Noideattella Álvarez-Padilla, Ubick & Griswold, 2012
Noonops Platnick & Berniker, 2013
Oonopinus Simon, 1893
Oonopoides Bryant, 1940
Oonops Templeton, 1835
Opopaea Simon, 1891
Orchestina Simon, 1882
Ovobulbus Saaristo, 2007
Paradysderina Platnick & Dupérré, 2011
Patri Saaristo, 2001
Pelicinus Simon, 1891
Pescennina Simon, 1903
Plectoptilus Simon, 1905
Ponsoonops Bolzern, 2014
Predatoroonops Brescovit, Rheims & Ott, 2012
Prethopalpus Baehr et al., 2012
Prida Saaristo, 2001
Prodysderina Platnick et al., 2013
Pseudodysderina Platnick, Berniker & Bonaldo, 2013
Pseudoscaphiella Simon, 1907
Puan Izquierdo, 2012
Reductoonops Platnick & Berniker, 2014
Scaphidysderina Platnick & Dupérré, 2011
Scaphiella Simon, 1891
Scaphioides Bryant, 1942
Scaphios Platnick & Dupérré, 2010
Semibulbus Saaristo, 2007
Semidysderina Platnick & Dupérré, 2011
Setayeshoonops Makhan & Ezzatpanah, 2011
Sicariomorpha Ott & Harvey, 2015
Silhouettella Benoit, 1979
Simlops Bonaldo, Ott & Ruiz, 2014
Simonoonops Harvey, 2002
Socotroonops Saaristo & van Harten, 2002
Spinestis Saaristo & Marusik, 2009
Stenoonops Simon, 1891
Sulsula Simon, 1882
Tapinesthis Simon, 1914
Telchius Simon, 1893
Termitoonops Benoit, 1964
Tinadysderina Platnick, Berniker & Bonaldo, 2013
Tolegnaro Álvarez-Padilla, Ubick & Griswold, 2012
Toloonops Bolzern, Platnick & Berniker, 2015
Triaeris Simon, 1891
Tridysderina Platnick, Berniker & Bonaldo, 2013
Trilacuna Tong & Li, 2007
Unicorn Platnick & Brescovit, 1995
Varioonops Bolzern & Platnick, 2013
Vientianea Tong & Li, 2013
Volborattella Saucedo & Ubick, 2015
Wanops Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938
Xestaspis Simon, 1884
Xiombarg Brignoli, 1979
Xyccarph Brignoli, 1978
Xyphinus Simon, 1893
Yumates Chamberlin, 1924
Zyngoonops Benoit, 1977

Megaoonops avrona

Spinestis nikita

Triaeris stenaspis

Xestaspis shoushanensis

source - Wikipedia

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