Geographical surnames of cities and countries page-1
Geographical surnames of cities and countries page-1
1. City of seven hills =============Rome
2. City of sky scrapers ============New York
3. Dark continent ===============Africa
4. Empire city =================New York
5. Eternal city =================Rome
6. Forbidden city ==============Lhasa (Tibet )
7. Windy city=================Chicago
8. Gate of tears ===============st of bed-el-mended (Jerusalem )
9. Gateway of India ============Bombay
10. Gift of Nile =================Egypt
11. Granite city =============== Aberdeen
12. Hermit kingdom ===============Korea
13. holy land==================Palestine (Jerusalem )
14. Island continent =============Australia
16. The garden of England =========Kent
17. white city of India ============anandpur sahib
18. Sorrow of Bengal ============damodar
19. white city of world===========Belgrade
23. Land of golden fleece ==========Australia
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