Geography General Knowledge page - 11
Geography General Knowledge page - 11
1 What is the area of Cancer and Capricorn?
A. Temperate tropical
B. Cold Restraint
C. Tropical
D. None of the above
See answer
Answer: The tropics
2 What is the percentage of the ground floor in water?
A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 71%
D. 80%
See answer
Answer: 71%
3 The sun's rays are perpendicular to Makar Sankranti-
A. On the cancer line
B. on Makar Line
C. on the equator
D. On the North Pole Circle
See answer
Answer: On Capricorn
Which mountain range is the latest in India?
A. Treaty
B. Aravali
C. Himalayas
D. Satpura
See answer
Answer: Himalaya
Which is the largest river of island India?
A. Narmada R.
B. Godavari River
C. Mahanadi
D. Kaveri R.
See answer
Answer: Godavari R.
6 Which part of the river flows through which part of the Narmada river flows through?
A. Gujarat
B. Maharashtra
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Rajasthan
See answer
Answer: Madhya Pradesh
7 Which of the following is not located in the Western Ghats ranges?
A. Thalghat
B. Bhorghat
C. Palghat
D. Peoples Ghat
See answer
Answer: Peepli Ghat
8 What is the atmospheric formation made by heating up the hot and light air by cold and heavy air?
A. The hot wind
B. Cold weather
C. permanent surroundings
D. Preferred surroundings
See answer
Answer: Cold surroundings
9 Which of the following industries is called 'Axle Industry' or 'the basis of industries'?
A. Cotton Clothing
B. Iron-Steel Industry
C. Agricultural machinery
D. Fertilizer Industry
See answer
Answer: Iron-steel industry
10 Which of the following is called 'Nature's safety valve'?
A. Earthquake
B. Volcano
C. ozone gas
D. Rivers
See answer
Answer: Volcano
11 Which of the following minerals are abundant in the earth's crust?
A. Bauxite
B. Silica
C. Manganese
D. iron
See answer
Answer: silica
12 Mesabi Range is related to?
A. Iron ore
B. Petroleum
C. Coal
D. Gold
See answer
Answer: iron ore
13 Which mineral is excavated from famous Khan Chukki Mata?
A. Talamba
B. Gold
C. Iron ore
D. Chandi
See answer
Answer: Copper
14 is the largest river flowing in India?
A. Ganges
B. Brahmputra
C. Krishna
D. Godavari
See answer
Answer: Ganges
15 By what name is the river Ganges known in Bangladesh?
A. Padma
B. Yamuna
C. Meghtaa
D. Sangpo
See answer
Answer: Padma
16 Pipali Ghat Pass is situated in which mountain area?
A. Western Ghats
B. Eastern Ghats
C. Vindhyachal Range
D. Aravali
See answer
Answer: Aravali
17 Where is the 'Main Central Thirst' located in the Himalayas?
A. In the north of the Himalayas
B. Between the Large and Small Himalayas
C. Between Small and Shivalik Himalaya
D. Shivalik to the south of the category
See answer
Answer: Between the big and small Himalayas
18 What is the metal found in an independent state in nature?
A. Iron
B. Silver
C. Gold
D. Zinc
See answer
Answer: Zinc
19 India's first match-making factory was established in 1921 in which place, which is still running smoothly?
A. Kolkata
B. Darjeeling
C. Ahmedabad
D. Patna
See answer
Answer: Ahmedabad
20 How much is the temperature of the Sun's surface?
A. 3000 ° C
B. 1500 ° C
C. 4000 ° C
D. 1600 ° C
See answer
Answer: 1600 ° C
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