The Moon is an astronomical body that orbits planet Earth and is Earth's only permanent natural satellite
Distance from Earth (average) - 384365km
vyas (roundness) - 3474km
The mass of the moon according to the mass of the Earth - 1: 81.30
Density by water - 3.3464km / m3
Density by Earth - 0.6058
The ratio of gravity to Moon and Earth - 0.166
The invisible part of the moon's surface - 0.41
Maximum distance from Moon's Earth - 405508km
Lowest distance from Earth to Moon - 363300km
Time for Earth to be installed by Moon - 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 11.47 second
Time to move the moon in its axis - 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 11.47 second
The atmosphere on the Moon - is not
The height of the highest mountain in the moon - 35,000 ft.
Light of the Moon reaches Earth - 1.3 second
The speed of the moon moving on its axis - 2287mph
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