What is news
What is news
News is what is new means whats the new happen in world, country, state or society that’s you didn’t know before. News is something that interests, excited or concerns people. News mean not only interests but at same time excited and times concern because it’s may be a mishap or a tragedy. News is also defined as follows: when a dog bites a man. That is not a news; but when a man bites a dog that is News. The important of this definition is anything unusual is News.
News also filed with distinctive, dramatic, romantic, thrilling, unique, humorous, odd and apt-to-be-talked about.
There are seven news determinants or attributes upon which news is judged and selected for publications. They are impact unusualness, prominence conflict, proximity, timeline, and currency.
The characteristics of good news writing ( also called news values ) are: accuracy attribution, balance and fairness, brevity, clarity, readability, human interest and sharp observation.
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