Do you know which bird has the highest number in the world? His name is Goriah. A variety of herbs are found worldwide. They have 4 fingers...Read More
Goreya bird
Reviewed by Raj bhardwaj
February 04, 2020
Rating: 5
Jacana is found in the height of 200 meters of India. A black necklace is made on their chest. It is yellowish brown and white. They can be...Read More
Jacana- जलमोर
Reviewed by Raj bhardwaj
February 04, 2020
Rating: 5
क्या आप जानते हैं की दुनिया में ऐक पक्षी ऐसा भी है जिसका वजन किसी बड़े आकार के कीड़े से भी कम है । बी हमिंग बर्ड ऐसा ही ऐक पक्षी है जोकी दुनि...Read More
किट पक्षी ( bee humming bird )
Reviewed by Raj bhardwaj
February 04, 2020
Rating: 5
यह चिड़िया कनाडा और उतारी अमेरिका में ज्यादा पाई जाती है । इसकी खासियत यह है की ये सारा दिन बोलती रहती है . यह कोई सुरीला पक्षी तो नहीं है प...Read More
लाल आँखों वाली चिड़िया ( red eye bird )
Reviewed by Raj bhardwaj
February 04, 2020
Rating: 5
The Pitohui genus is a genus of birds containing two species endemic to New Guinea. The name pitohui is somewhat confusing. Today, there ar...Read More
Reviewed by Raj bhardwaj
February 04, 2020
Rating: 5